Aviation Sector

Turnkey Solutions for Aviation Sector


The aviation sector continues to grow at a rapid pace. This not only enables economic growth and opportunities, but also throws challenges to the industry. Stygon Aviation & Defence aims to provide cost efficient and satisficing solutions with superior performance . Our organizational ethos remains enshrined and aligned with the needs of aviation eco-system and assisting clients worldwide. We appreciate the exigencies of our clients to create intelligent, highly-integrated solutions to continuously raise performance be it latest generation cabins to intelligent communications between aircrafts and ATC towers, the air traffic control centres, air navigation support systems and op-logistics. The growing

interdependence of nation states calls for shrinking distances in time and that ushers huge potential for growth in air transport sector and is poised to bring in transformation to aviation industry. Stygon is treading its path in the domains of airport efficiency, aircraft maintenance, aircraft manufacturing support and air navigation systems to nurture this developing and ever evolving sector.

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The aviation industry is transforming across the sector. According to IATA, the air transport industry, including airlines and its supply chain, are estimated to support US $13 billion of GDP and provide 1.89 million direct/ indirect jobs in India. Airports around the world are challenged to handle this surge while staying profitable, relevant and safety compliant. At Stygon, we help airport operators to do more with what they already have. We, at Stygon, committed to have an all-embracing experience in providing engineering and construction support of airports all around the world. With a pool of highly competent and experienced aviation enthusiasts, we possess requisite expertise in project documentation in compliance with ICAO, FAA and IATA standard for the design and construction of airport support infrastructure.

We take special care for aviation safety, sustainability and delve into life-cycle concept at all phases of designing and execution processes to ensure adherence of best practices during entire project. Our team of engineers, developers and specialists at the airports and ATC operations area remain committed to provide customized system modules and services at site.

The propensity to scale and customize modules and every operation empowers us to provide solutions that fit every airport needs. Our one-stop-shop approach guarantees our clients competitive pricing while offering rapid and efficient deployment and support with minimum response time.

Our Turnkey projects capabilities comprise civil, electrical and mechanical works including project management, logistics and installations.

Aviation Services

At Stygon, we are focused in parts provisioning, component exchanges, inventory management. Whatever your requirement, Stygon has the right parts and a solution that can be tailored to your unique operations and requirements. Our aircraft support services are oriented towards composite technical needs that an aircraft requires and the easing of the logistic issues.

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